Original Grand Hash Hole Preroll by Cookies X Fidels


GRAND HASH HOLE PREROLL by FIDELS X COOKIES COLLAB is made of 1g of very high quality hash Rosin with 2.85g of indoor flowers.

Total gram: 3.85g

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Grand hashholes prerolls are made up of 1g indoor flowers, very high quality hash Rosin and a biodegradable tip produced by fidels x cookies collaboration.
ORIGINAL HASH HOLE PRE-ROLLS BY COOKIES X FIDEL COLLABORATION Is one of the best ever booming Pre-rolls in the Cannabis industry today. It was made from indoor flowers and hash rosins which exist as either ORIGINAL GRAND HASH HOLE PRE-ROLL or ORIGINAL MINI HASH HOLE PRE-ROLL.

The original grand hash hole Pre-roll is made up of 2g of indoor flowers and 1g of hash rosins and degradable tip with a total weight of 3.85g which exists in different flavors

The original mini hash hole pre-roll is made up of 1g indoor flowers and 1g of hash rosins and a degradable tip with a total weight of 2g which exists in different flavors


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